







我最近見到了艾妮女士(Ms Aini)和瓦利先生(Mr Wali),他們是一對年輕夫婦,在2022年迎來了第一個孩子萊拉(Laila)。他們目前住在公租房裡,希望能儘快買下自己的第一個預購組屋。艾妮希望重返飛機乘務員的崗位,而瓦利則努力將他對站立式槳板運動的熱情轉化為全職事業。


這正是像齊克先生( Mr Zeke)這樣的社會及家庭服務部推動的提升版社區聯繫站計劃(ComLink+)中的家庭導師用武之地。我們的家庭導師與ComLink+家庭一起,支持家庭的願望。家庭導師會考慮家庭的獨特情況、需求和優勢,與家庭共同制定行動計劃,幫助家庭一步步實現目標。


作為家庭導師,齊克正在為艾妮和瓦利提供黃玲玲女士所說的那種有條理的方法,以穩步為未來做出更好的決定。社區聯繫站計劃(ComLink)的全國推廣始於2021年。潘麗萍女士將很高興地知道,我們的社會服務辦公室(SSOs)和家庭服務中心 (FSCs),目前為所有21個市鎮的10000個公租房的有子女家庭提供服務。我們現在正準備推行提升版社區聯繫站計劃(ComLink+)。謝曜全先生也將很高興地知道,有了提升版社區聯繫站計劃,我們將為多個項目提供綜合支持,包括「幼兒培育輔助計劃」(KidSTART),以及「提升」計劃社區網絡(Uplift Community Network,簡稱UCN)和Dian@M3項目。我們將繼續加強家庭導師的領導作用,協調各項目和服務之間的支持,讓提升版社區聯繫站計劃家庭得到全面、協調和便捷的支持。新加坡社會及家庭發展部目前約有120名家庭導師,我們計劃再招募200名。我們還招募並培訓了約1600名志願者,與家庭導師一起工作。在志願者的協助下,每名家庭導師預計將為25至35個家庭提供支持,並在初期每月至少與他們會面一至兩次。(稍後的辯論更正為:每1-2月一次)















星展銀行的許多員工也成為了艾妮的朋友,而新加坡游泳館的員工也在各種提升版社區聯繫站計劃項目中擔任志願者。我最近還認識了來自新加坡國立大學的學生林安索( Ansel Lim,音譯) 和顧阿黛爾(Adele Koo,音譯),他們都是艾妮的好友。今年是「歡慶義工年」,我想對提升版社區聯繫站計劃的志願者們表示衷心的感謝,感謝你們為與這些家庭並肩作戰付出的時間和精力。







去年12月,新協立在裕廊啟動了首個包容商業中心( Enabling Business Hub),與僱主、培訓機構和社會服務機構合作,為西部地區的殘障人士提供物流行業的就業機會。裕廊包容商業中心的現場團隊還提供長達24 個月的高強度就業支持,以支持那些有更高就業需求的人。

對有些人來說,就業之路是一段漫長的旅程。我最近見到了樂偉和他的父母。樂偉患有自閉症,經常情緒失控。畢業後,他加入了太和觀殘疾⼈⼠服務(THK Pan-Disability Centre)提供的烘焙就業課程「揉⼊愛⼼」(Knead With Love),成為一名庇護工作室的學員。




由於對庇護工作室空間的需求居高不下,我們將增加500個空間,從目前的1700個增加到2030年的2200個。今年,我們將為特別需求者協會成人中心(APSN's Centre for Adults )增加100個名額,其餘名額將在未來幾年內逐步增加。由於我們很好地使用了各種工作機會,我們將15至64歲殘疾居民的就業率從2018至2019年的約28%提高到2022至2023年的33%,我們將繼續努力實現到2030年就業率達到40%的宏偉目標。

陳澮敏女士和黃玲玲女士一樣,我也感到欣慰的是,越來越多像Boon咖啡廳這樣的僱主正在進行包容性招聘。這些僱主都獲得了扶持標誌(Enabling Mark)認證。根據2022年和2023年的綜合勞動力調查,近一半的殘疾人受僱於社區、社會和個人服務業、製造業和餐飲服務業。為擴大就業崗位,新協立正在接觸新興行業的僱主,如運輸和倉儲(包括物流)、金融和保險服務。我們呼籲更多的僱主成為包容性僱主,讓更多像樂偉這樣的人能夠實現他們的工作願望。





去年8月,新協立在淡濱尼啟動了首個包容殘障服務中心(Enabling Services Hub)。包容殘障服務中心通過將服務和計劃更接近殘疾人之家,補充了現有的支持服務。我們希望通過與社區夥伴合作,創建包容性社區,加強對成年殘疾人及其照顧者的支持,尤其是那些不再積極接受服務的人。





政府還將加強對護理費用的支持。對於那些需要點對點交通服務才能前往特殊教育學校和參加社區活動的人士,我們將從2024年4月1日起增加殘障者交通津貼(Enabling Transport Subsidy),以減輕他們的交通費用。目前,約有5400名受惠人領取了交通補貼。增加交通補貼後,目前領取交通補貼的家庭中,約有40%可望減少10%或更多的自付交通費。
















The Chairman: Senior Parliamentary Secretary Eric Chua.

The Senior Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social and Family Development (Mr Eric Chua): Chairman, talking to Singaporeans from all walks of life, one topic that often comes up is, "What would Singapore in the future look like?" Will we be a more caring and inclusive society? Can Singapore be a place made for all families, one where lower-income families have a fair chance to achieve their aspirations, and one where persons with disabilities can fulfil their true potential? MSF is working hard with families and communities to make these statements a reality.

I recently met Ms Aini and Mr Wali, a young couple who welcomed their first child Laila in 2022. They are currently living in a public rental flat and they hope to purchase their first BTO flat soon. Aini is looking to return to a cabin crew job, while Wali is striving to turn his passion for stand-up paddling into a full-time business.

The couple is working hard to realise their dreams: to achieve their career goals, buy a home and provide a good future for young Laila. But they are unsure how they can get there.

This is where MSF's ComLink+ family coaches, like Mr Zeke, come in. Our family coaches journey with ComLink+ families and support their aspirations. The family coach considers the family's unique circumstances, needs and strengths and co-develops an action plan with the family to help the family achieve its goals, one step at a time.

Through discussions with Zeke, Aini and Wali agreed that an important and immediate goal for the family was to secure stable employment. This would enable them to repay their loans and save for their BTO flat. With Aini on board with the action plan, Zeke then connected her with a career coach at Workforce Singapore. Zeke also provided helpful perspectives and suggestions on balancing work with parenting responsibilities. After some consideration, Aini and Wali decided that Wali could take care of Laila when Aini needs to fly for work. With care arrangements sorted out, she can now look for a cabin crew job with peace of mind.

As the family coach, Zeke is providing Aini and Wali with the sort of structured approach Ms Ng Ling Ling talked about, to achieve stability and make better decisions for the future. The nationwide rollout of ComLink started in 2021. Ms Denise Phua would be pleased to know that our Social Service Offices (SSOs) and Family Service Centres (FSCs) now serve 10,000 families with children in public rental flats in all 21 towns. And we are now ready to proceed with ComLink+. Mr Xie Yao Quan would also be pleased to know that with ComLink+, we will have integrated support across multiple programmes, including KidSTART, UPLIFT Community Network and Project Dian@M3. We will continue to strengthen the leadership role of the family coach to coordinate support across programmes and services, so that ComLink+ families can enjoy comprehensive, coordinated and convenient support. MSF currently has about 120 family coaches and we plan to recruit 200 more. We have also recruited and trained about 1,600 volunteer befrienders working alongside our family coaches. All-in, each family coach, aided by volunteer befrienders, is expected to support between 25 and 35 families and meet with them at least one to two times a month at the beginning. [Please see clarification later in the debate.]

In a shift from social assistance to empowerment, we will provide financial top-ups through ComLink+ Progress Packages to recognise and supplement ComLink+ families' efforts in working towards stable employment, financial stability, home ownership and giving their children a good start in education.

The first ComLink+ Package for Preschool will be launched in the second half of this year and we will roll out the rest of the ComLink+ Packages subsequently.



The early years are crucial for a child's learning and development. Enrolling in preschool by age three and attending preschool regularly will give Laila a good start in life and better prepare her for Primary 1.

This is why the ComLink+ Package for Preschool will recognise parents' efforts to prioritise their children' preschool education. This is how it will work: every child between ages three and six in a ComLink+ family who enrols in and attends preschool regularly, can receive up to $3,700 in their Child Development Account (CDA). This includes a one-time CDA top-up of $500 when the child is enrolled in preschool in the year that he or she turns three, and $200 for each quarter that the child achieves at least 75% attendance in the preschool. These top-ups are funded by one of our ComLink+ anchor partners, DBS. The Government will also match these CDA top-ups as part of the Baby Bonus Scheme, so that the child can get as much as $7,400 in total in their CDA. I would like to emphasise that the parents do not need to make any monetary contribution. All they need to do is to enrol and send their child to preschool regularly.

As Laila continues her preschool education, Aini will also benefit from the preschool subsidies given to lower-income households. Mr Gerald Giam will be pleased to know that full-day childcare fees for children from all lower-income families at Anchor Operator preschools cost as low as $3 monthly.

If Laila regularly attends a Government-supported preschool until six, not only will the ComLink+ CDA top-ups fully pay for her preschool fees, there will also be ample balance remaining in her CDA that can be used for her healthcare and other primary school expenses.

Since the nationwide scale-up of ComLink, we have been encouraged by the good response from the families, many of whom have agreed to work with us. And we are now ready to embark on our next move: to provide ComLink+ support to families beyond those in public rental housing. From this month onwards, and over the next three years, we will expand ComLink+ to cover another 3,000 lower-income families who are not in public rental housing and are eligible for KidSTART or UPLIFT Community Network. These families face similar challenges as our ComLink+ families and would also benefit from family coach support and the ComLink+ Progress Packages.

ComLink+ embodies our refreshed approach to support our lower-income families, something Mr Melvin Yong touched upon.

First, our approach has to be family-centric. Our family coaches recognise each family's unique aspirations, strengths and circumstances and work with them to chart their next steps. They also take the lead to coordinate and integrate support for the families they serve, giving families more headspace to plan for their own future and achieve their goals.

Second, our shift from social assistance to social empowerment, where we help families move forward as they work towards a better future. ComLink+ aims to empower families to achieve the 3S outcomes of stability, self-reliance and, eventually, social mobility over the long term. This is distinct from social assistance that serves immediate needs but may have less direct and sustained impact on longer-term outcomes.



Third, our greatest support comes from partnerships: our volunteers and our partners. Our ComLink+ partners across the people, private and public sectors contribute what they can to support others in need.

Our anchor partners, DBS, Singapore Pools and, most recently, The Ngee Ann Kongsi, fund some of the ComLink+ Progress Packages. DBS, for instance, has made a contribution of over $30 million – three zero million dollars – to the ComLink+ Packages for Preschool and Home Ownership.

Many DBS staff have also stepped forward as Befrienders, while Singapore Pools staff are also volunteering at various ComLink+ programmes. Students like Ansel Lim and Adele Koo from NUS, whom I have also met recently, are Aini's Befrienders. They play with Laila and organise outings with the families and in this Year of Celebrating Volunteers, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to our ComLink+ volunteers for devoting your time and energy to journey alongside these families.

We welcome community partners to work alongside ComLink+ to offer complementary programmes where there is a need, such as debt counselling, financial literacy, homework supervision and sports programmes. In this way, everyone contributes to uplifting our lower-income families.

Looking ahead, we hope that ComLink+ will support families' pursuit of long-term aspirations. Going forward, we will track ComLink+ families' progress towards the 3S outcomes and work with local academics to evaluate the efficacy of the ComLink+ Progress Packages.

Aini's challenges are not unique. In every society, there will be those who struggle from time to time. However, what really reflects our moral fibre as a society is how we work together to make sure that no one is permanently stranded at the bottom of the barrel. As our lower-income families work hard to build a better tomorrow for themselves, let us support and journey alongside them.

I now move on to enabling persons with disabilities. I would like to assure Ms Denise Phua and Ms Rahayu Mahzam that we are working hard and making good progress on implementing our Enabling Masterplan (EMP) 2030. SG Enable plays a key role in galvanising an extensive range of partners towards our EMP 2030 goals. Members can refer to MSF's website for more detailed updates – as Ms Denise Phua mentioned, you might have to do a few clicks but you can find all the details there – but today, let me share some key efforts and progress.

First, we want to empower persons with disabilities to pursue their work aspirations: to get a job and to stay employed. To do this, we adopt a person-centric approach, providing a range of employment support programmes to cater to various needs and capabilities.

SG Enable piloted the Place-and-Train programme in 2021, where employers receive salary support of up to 90% while they train persons with disabilities placed with them. Through Place-and-Train, 131 employers have hired more than 330 persons with disabilities. We will extend the programme for two more years and place and train another 200 persons with disabilities by 2026.



Last December, SG Enable launched the first Enabling Business Hub at Jurong, (EBH@Jurong), partnering employers, training providers and social service agencies, to bring job opportunities in the logistics sector closer to persons with disabilities in the West. The onsite team at EBH@Jurong also provides enhanced employment support for up to 24 months at a higher intensity, to support those with higher job support needs.

For some, the road to employment is a longer journey. I recently met Lek Wei and his parents. Lek Wei is autistic and often had meltdowns. After graduation, he enrolled as a Sheltered Workshop trainee with the Knead with Love bakery at the THK Pan-Disability Centre @ Eunos.

The team provided a structured environment with routines, made efforts to understand how Lek Wei received instructions and gave him time and space when he was overwhelmed. He picked up skills like weighing ingredients and rolling dough and found joy in making delicious bread for others.

3.30 pm

Gradually, Lek Wei could regulate his emotions better and made such good progress that he secured a job trial at Boon Café @ ITE College Central. During this trial period, the Sheltered Workshop and Job Coaches guided Boon Café in job redesigning. For example, Boon Café personalised Lek Wei's workstation by labelling the ingredients and colour coding the steps to his recipes. The Café employees also learned how to communicate with him. They speak to him slowly, with simple words. Through all these efforts, Lek Wei assimilated well and a few months later, Boon Café offered Lek Wei full-time employment. Lek Wei was Boon Cafe's first employee with disability and he opened the door for the hiring of three more at the cafe. I also tasted some of the pastry that he made, I must say they were "yummilicious".

Mr Ong Hua Han will be interested to know that our Sheltered Workshops provide a structured learning and training environment, with support from allied health professionals and training officers. As shown through Lek Wei, such environments enable those with higher needs to learn and develop at their own pace and hopefully, eventually enter open employment.

As demand for Sheltered Workshop spaces remain high, we will increase capacity by 500 spaces, from the current 1,700 to 2,200 by 2030. We will add 100 spaces to APSN's Centre for Adults this year, with the rest added progressively over the next few years. Because of the good uptake of the range of work opportunities, we raised the employment rate of resident persons with disabilities aged 15 to 64 from about 28% in 2018 to 2019, to 33% in 2022 to 2023, and we will press on towards our aspirational employment target of 40% by 2030.

I am heartened, as Ms Carrie Tan and Ms Ng Ling Ling would be too, that more employers like Boon Café are hiring inclusively. These employers are accredited with the Enabling Mark. Based on the Comprehensive Labour Force Survey for 2022 and 2023, close to half of persons with disabilities were employed in community, social and personal services, manufacturing and F&B services. To expand the jobs available, SG Enable is reaching out to employers in emerging sectors, such as transport and storage, including logistics; and financial and insurance services. We call upon more employers to be inclusive hirers, so that more people like Lek Wei can pursue their work aspirations.



Beyond employers, the community plays a key role in enabling our persons with disabilities to live independently and feel valued. In the Enabling Masterplan, we committed to provide a continuum of support services that enable persons with disabilities to live in the community.

For those unable to work, our Day Activity Centres (DACs) help to equip them with essential daily and community living skills. We will add 500 DAC spaces, from the current 1,800 to 2,300 by 2030. We will add 50 spaces to the MINDS Jurong Training and Development Centre by 2025, with the rest added progressively in the next few years.

SG Enable launched the first Enabling Services Hub (ESH) in Tampines last August. The ESH complements current support services by bringing services and programmes closer to homes of persons with disabilities. Through working with community partners, we hope to create inclusive neighbourhoods and strengthen support for adults with disabilities and their caregivers, especially for those no longer actively receiving services.

Take Irfan and his mother Madam Sheriffa whom I met recently as well, for example. Irfan was not suitable for work after graduation and was staying at home. Thankfully, Sheriffa was connected to the ESH, which engaged Irfan in various activities close to where they stayed. One activity Irfan enjoys is volunteer book-shelving at the Tampines Regional Library. He volunteers every Thursday. So every Wednesday night, he hangs up his blue volunteer t-shirt, looking forward to volunteering the very next day. Irfan also enjoys community fitness activities at Tampines West Community Club, including inclusive floorball activities. These activities have brought Irfan out of isolation and into the community.

Madam Sheriffa works night shifts at a fast-food restaurant and takes care of Irfan in the day. Irfan's engagement in activities allows Sheriffa to run errands or to have a much-needed respite before work. Sherrifa has also made friends with fellow caregivers through ESH activities and knows she is not alone. To date, the first ESH has supported more than 140 persons with disabilities and caregivers living in Tampines and Bedok. Riding on this encouraging progress, we will launch the second and third ESH in 2025 – one in the North-East covering Punggol, Hougang, Sengkang and Serangoon; and one in the West focusing on Jurong West.

We hope that the ESHs will support more persons with disabilities like Irfan and very importantly, provide respite for caregivers like Sheriffa too. I agree wholeheartedly with Mr Ong Hua Han that we need to support our caregivers, who play an indispensable role. In fact, it is also a point that I made in my speech in the debate on the Budget statement just a week ago. CaringSG will collaborate with the ESH and other communities to strengthen community and peer support.



To support persons with disabilities and their caregivers with long-term financial and care planning, more than 1,200 trust accounts have been set up with the Special Needs Trust Company (SNTC). We share Mr Murali Pillai's hope that more families will set up trust accounts and tap on the Special Needs Saving Scheme (SNSS) to set aside CPF savings for long-term care. SNTC works with key partners, including SG Enable, SPED schools and Social Service Agencies to reach out to families.

The Government is also strengthening support on caregiving costs. For those who require point-to-point transport to commute to SPED schools and community-based programmes, we will increase the Enabling Transport Subsidy (ETS) from 1 April 2024 to alleviate the cost of transport services. Currently, about 5,400 beneficiaries are receiving the ETS. With this increase, about 40% of families currently receiving the ETS can expect a reduction in their out-of-pocket transport fees by 10% or more.

Also, Deputy Prime Minister Wong announced that we will update the per capita household income threshold for means-tested subsidies so that more families can benefit from subsidies like the ETS. Valid means-test results can also be shared across schemes, so that beneficiaries need not undergo repeated means-testing within a period of time. This will help ensure that our schemes and subsidies remain accessible to those who need them.

Lastly, the Enabling Masterplan commits to improving accessibility and inclusiveness in our social and physical environments. We have extensively improved the accessibility of our public transport and public spaces; all public buses and train stations and almost all public sector buildings are wheelchair-accessible.

You and I can play our part through small but impactful actions, such as looking out for those who need a hand, smiling more, staring less at unusual behaviour and focusing on their abilities and not limitations; because together, we can build a caring and inclusive society. Chair, in Mandarin, please.

(In Mandarin): Many citizens share similar aspirations for Singapore to be an inclusive and caring society, where everyone is empowered to pursue their own aspirations. Today, let me share on how we are going to support lower-income families and PwDs to reach their full potential.

First, ComLink+ reflects our philosophy in empowering lower-income families by encouraging action and progress. Our family coaches journey with ComLink+ families through a family-centric approach. The family coach will consider the family's circumstances, needs and strengths to co-develop an action plan with the family to achieve its goals. ComLink+ Progress Package recognises and supplements ComLink+ families' efforts in working towards stable employment, financial stability, home ownership and giving their children a good start in education. We will launch the first ComLink+ package for preschool this year to encourage early enrolment and regular attendance.



Besides the volunteers that Minister mentioned, ComLink+ partners come from across the people, public and private sectors. Our anchor partners, DBS, Singapore Pools and the Ngee Ann Kongsi have contributed generously towards supporting ComLink+ families.

In this year of Celebrating Volunteers, I would like to thank ComLink+ befrienders for devoting your time and energy to journey with the families.

We also continue to support PwDs, by providing different employment support programmes catering to varying needs and capabilities. This includes extending the Place-and-Train Programme and increasing capacity for Sheltered Workshops.

Aside from employment, we support PwDs to live independently and better integrate into the community. We will increase the number of Day Activity Centres spaces and launch two new Enabling Services Hub in the North-East and West later this year, providing more opportunities for PwDs to engage in social activities and learn new skills.

For lower-income families and PwDs, aspirations for tomorrow are often weighted down by the burden of today. The Government and social service partners adopt the perspective of the individual, as well as the family, by launching different service models to accommodate their respective needs and encourage them to fulfil their potential. Together, as a society, I hope that we can take action together to create an inclusive and caring Singapore.

(In English): Sir, I started my speech asking whether Singapore can be a caring and inclusive place for all families, including our lower-income families and those with persons with disabilities. Aini, Lek Wei and Irfran have shown us, we can. We can, when families do their best to achieve their aspirations. We can, when our social service partners and professionals journey alongside these families. We can, when employers hire inclusively. We can, when our volunteers take time and energy to befriend our families and persons with disabilities. And we can, when you and I look out for those amongst us in need.

This is our refreshed social compact that we set out under Forward Singapore. Together, we can create a caring and inclusive Singapore. One where everyone can progress, fulfil their potential and achieve their aspirations. A Singapore made for all Singapore families.






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