




NO.1 Marina Bay Sands

In the heart of Marina Bay Sands, there go up the three 55-storey hotel towers which offer more than 2,500 luxury rooms as well as cafes, bars, lounges and luxury stores. There are two superb theatres where you can enjoy performing arts of all styles, genres and regions.The icing on the cake is the stunning Sands Skypark, with a spacious swimming pool that provides 360-degree views of Singapore's bustling city for the tourists.

NO.2 環球影城

新加坡環球影城坐落於全球投資額最高、內容最豐富的頂級家庭旅遊目的地聖淘沙名勝世界之內,其將推出24個過山車和景點,大部分景點為世界級的首創亮點或是特地為新加坡量身定造的,堪稱環球影城的又一鴻篇巨製。環球影城24個景點和雲霄飛車等項目中,有18個專為新加坡設計,全球獨有的遊樂項目,包括科幻影集太空堡壘(Battlestar Galactica)為藍本,高度達42.5米的雙軌雲霄飛車;以及擁有3500個觀眾席、全球最多座位的未來水世界劇場等。

NO.2 Universal Studios

Located within the top-level family tourist destination, Resorts World Sentosa, which has the highest investment volume and the richest recreational facilities, Universal Studios Singapore will feature 24 roller coasters and attractions, most of which are world first attractions or specially designed for Singapore. This can be regarded as another masterpiece of Universal Studios.Of the 24 attractions and roller coasters at Universal Studios, 18 are specially designed for and unique to Singapore, including a 42.5-metre two-track roller coaster based on the sci-fi film Battlestar Galactica; And the Future Water World Theater with the largest number of 3,500 seats in the world.



NO.3 Singapore Flyer

The Singapore Flyer, which cost 240 million SGD to build and took four years to complete, has taken Asia by storm with its 165-metre-high posture.The unprecedented observation wheel was invented with the combined efforts of the renowned Tokyo architect Kiki Montenegro and Singapore Architects office, with the designing inspiration from the Eiffel Tower and the London Eye.The surrounding facilities such as the shopping and leisure center, the outdoor Greek theater, the bay dining promenade and the tropical rainforest garden offer visitors a unique and brand-new experience.



NO.4 Singapore Night Zoo

It is the only night safari park in the world which cost 60 million SGD.There is a jungle world suitable for nocturnal animals to inhabit in the zoo. It is the natural environment with the rocks, streams, flowers and trees.At present, there are more than 1200 nocturnal animals in the zoo. Through the advanced lighting technology, visitors can clearly see the animals without disturbing their normal life.





NO.5 Singapore Botanic Garden

The 54-hectare Singapore Botanic Garden is renowned for its research and collection work of tropical plants and horticultural flowers. There are more than 20 thousand kinds of exotic flowers and rare trees in subtropical and tropical areas, which can be classified into tropical and subtropical evergreen trees, shrubs, vines, palms, bamboo horticultural flowers, aquatic plants, marsh plants, parasitic plants and desert plants, etc.The tropical jungle, small flowery garden and greenhouse covering an area of about four hectares are particularly fresh and charming.The Orchids Garden, which is of Victorian architecture, grows more than 12 thousand rare orchids, among which is the famous national flower of Singapore.The garden has successfully introduced and cultivated the three-leaf rubber tree native to Brazil, which has successfully changed the economy of Southeast Asia and made Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries the major rubber production places.From the year of 1928, The Singapore Botanic Garden has been devoted to the cross-breeding tasks of ornamental plants, especially the research on orchids and their hybrid varieties, which has made great achievements, making Singapore a world leader in the export of orchids.



No.6 Orchard Road, Singapore

Orchard Road is Singapore's department store district, with shopping malls lining both sides of the road, and you can never imagine the lively scene there. There are three underground stations along the long stretch of Orchard Road. No matter where you get off, you will be dazzled by the numerous shopping malls and surging crowds. and even more famous brands will compete with each other. Even when you feel exhausted during shopping, there are mini bars, outdoor cafes and sandwiches everywhere for you to refresh and enjoy, which is just like being on the Champs Elysees in Paris.



No 7 Jurong Bird Park

Established in 1971 on Singapore's Jurong Hill, the 202-hectare Jurong Bird Park is regarded as the most spectacular "bird paradise" in Southeast Asia and one of the few large-scale bird parks in the world.


從市中心出發,僅15 分鐘即可到達聖陶沙---座風景旖旎的度假島嶼聖淘沙,在馬來語中即「和平安寧」的意思。這裡有純凈的海灘、世界級的旅遊景點、海上運動場所、高爾夫球場和度假休閒中心。

No 8 Sentosa

The scenic resort island of Sentosa, which means "peace and tranquility" in Malay, is just within fifteen minutes』 drive from the downtown. You may enjoy here the pristine beaches, world-class tourist attractions, sea sports fields, golf courses and holiday and leisure centers.




NO.1 Coffee coconut toast

As the Singaporeans』 favorite breakfast, the coffee coconut toast is usually enjoyed with half-cooked eggs applied with a local sauce made with eggs, sugar, coconut milk and vanilla spice, and a dash of dark soy sauce and white pepper. The delicious eggs and the attractive tasty-crisp-sweet coconut toast that complement each other well will start you a beautiful day.





NO. 2 Teh Tarik

It is a Singapore local signature drink and the well-known condensed milk carnation is customarily used in the making process of it. Its preparing procedures are of some art: tea swills around the cups until foam comes out, thus the name Teh Tarik. In Singapore, Teh Tarik is available in coffee shops like Starbucks and the Coffee Bean; therefore, it’s fairly easy for tourists to get the specialty drink.



NO.3 Chilli crabs

Apart from the most famous national dishes of chilli crabs and black pepper crabs, there are other flavors of crabs such as white pepper crab, cream crab, steamed crab with vermicula, baked crab with salted egg yolk and so on.



NO. 4 Otak

Even as a snack, Otak has its special flavor. It tastes quite different when paired with other delicious food such as laksa and coconut rice. It is a food available on every street in Singapore. Every food center has one or two booths for Otak.



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