左图:社会及家庭发展部长兼卫生部第二部长,主管回教事务部长马善高 右图:蔡厝港集选区议员周凯年
同时,为发展瓦合甫而举办的讨论和会议也有声有色。在上次的法律裁定会议上,我和Sano博士进行了深入地交流,他提到如今的瓦合甫的形式已经发生了一些变化。比如,有一种叫做”临时瓦合甫“的东西。你可以把你的宗教基金托管给瓦合甫一年,这段时间你不能动用它,但收益会进入瓦合甫账户—— 在一年合同结束后,宗教基金将会返还给你。
Mr Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim: Thank you, Chairman. I thank the Minister. Minister, I have a question on Wakaf.
In 2021, MUIS disbursed a total of about $4 million as Wakafproceeds. About 28% went to overseas beneficiaries. Maybe this is due to legacy or original terms of the Wakaf, some set more than 100 years ago. In some of these cases, you may find it challenging to find the beneficiaries and locate the rightful heirs to the Wakaf.So, I have two questions.
Firstly, does MUIS continually review the list of Wakaf, especially for those with overseas and foreign beneficiaries, to make sure that they are up to date? Secondly, for such Wakafs with no clear beneficiaries, will MUIS review or consider measures, for instance, to pass fatwas to bring more of these Wakaf assets onshore and benefit our local Muslim community?
Mr Masagos Zulkifli B M M: I thank the Member for asking that clarification.
Indeed, one of the motivations why we instituted the WMS is to move on away from or to provide alternatives to the traditional Wakaf system, which for Singapore, although it has amounted to a billion dollars, most of them are in fixed assets. And when you have a fixed asset, the returns from fixed assets are not very high. In addition to that, the beneficiaries that were named some time 100 or some 200 years ago, either the country does not exist anymore; the village does not exist anymore; let alone the person does not exist anymore. This is not just faced by communities like ourselves, it is faced all over the world.
In the meantime, there are good discussions, conferences to evolve the concept of Wakaf. In the last fatwa conference, I had a good discussion with Dr Sano, for example, who said that today, the instruments of Wakaf has evolved. For example, there is something called a temporary Wakaf.That means you pledge your Corpus Fund for, say, one year and that you cannot use it; but the returns will then go into the Wakaf–the Corpus Fund goes back to you after that one-year contract.
So that is an evolving and a new way of doing Wakaf and whether or not we can do something about the previous and older Wakaf. I think for now let us keep to the trust that has been put to our generation, to try as best as we can to execute the will or the intention of those before us who put this Wakaf in our trust to benefit the people they wanted to.